Returns TRUE if the COMMAND key was pressed Command : BOOLEAN; Returns TRUE if the SHIFT key was pressed Shift : BOOLEAN; Returns TRUE if the CAPS LOCK key was pressed CapsLock : BOOLEAN; Returns TRUE if the OPTION key was pressed Option : BOOLEAN; Returns the X,Y coordinates of the mouse without clicking the mouse GetMouse(VAR X,Y : REAL); Returns True if a non-modifier key has been pressed and also returns the AsciiCode of the key that was pressed, otherwise FALSE is returned AutoKey(VAR AsciiCode : INTEGER) : BOOLEAN; Returns True if a non-modifier key has been pressed and also returns the AsciiCode of the key that was pressed, otherwise FALSE is returned KeyDown(VAR AsciiCode : INTEGER) : BOOLEAN; Returns True if mouse is clicked and also returns the X,Y location, otherwise it returns FALSE MouseDown(VAR X,Y : REAL) : BOOLEAN;